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Times and Prices
Opening Hours
Held on alternate Saturdays
9:30 am – 1.00 pm
(maximum contact of 2 hours in the Centre is recommended)
Dates for opening 2023
January 1st
January 11th
January 29th
February 12th
February 26th
March 12th
March 26th
April 9th
April 23rd
May 7th
May 21st
June 4th
June 18th
July 2nd
July 16th
July 30th
August 13th
August 27th
September 10th
September 24th
October 8th
October 22nd
November 5th
November 19th
December 3rd
December 17th
December 31st
Referral fee, £50 made my the non-resident parent (covers up to 12 sessions).
Payment can be made in full at the pre-contact meeting or spread over sessions to help families with limited finances.
Extension Fee, £25 (covers 12 additional Sessions, discussed as part of the 3, 6 and 12 session reviews).
Payment may be made by cash or cheque or bank transfer.
Please make any cheques payable to Chichester Child Contact Centre.
The referral fee will be returned if at least one successful contact session does not
take place.
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